Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010


Pada tanggal 26 Desember 2004, terjadi gempa bumi dahsyat di Samudra Hindia, lepas pantai barat Aceh. Gempa terjadi pada waktu 7:58:53 WIB. Pusat gempa terletak pada bujur 3.316° N 95.854°. Koordinat: 3.316° N 95.854° E kurang lebih 160 km sebelah barat Aceh sedalam 10 kilometer. Gempa ini berkekuatan 9,3 menurut skala Richter dan dengan ini merupakan gempa bumi terdahsyat dalam kurun waktu 40 tahun terakhir ini yang menghantam Asia Tenggara

Gempa bumi mengakibatkan tsunami (gelombang pasang) yang menelan sangat banyak korban jiwa. Dipastikan lebih dari 150.000 jiwa tewas. Di Indonesia, gempa menelan lebih dari 126.000 korban jiwa. Puluhan gedung hancur oleh gempa utama, terutama di Meulaboh dan Banda Aceh di ujung Sumatra. Di Banda Aceh, sekitar 50% dari semua bangunan rusak terkena tsunami. Tetapi, kebanyakan korban disebabkan oleh tsunami yang menghantam pantai barat Aceh dan Sumatra Utara.

Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

Biopori Hole , Simple Solution to Overcome Flood Lubang Biopori, Solusi Sederhana Menanggulangi Banjir

          On rainy days a lot of areas in Indonesia experienced a flood. That is because the lack of rain water catchment areas. To overcome this current made it an alternative method to enhance infiltrate rainwater into the soil professed with the term "Hole Biopori". Biopori absorption hole is a simple technology, appropriate and environmentally friendly. Biopori hole is able to improve infiltrate rainwater into the ground so that flood risk can decrase overflowing due to rain. In addition, this technology also can increase the amount of water reserves in the ground and able to turn organic waste into compost. The principle of permeation holes Biopori work very simple. The hole that we make, and given the organic waste that would trigger soil biota such as worms and ants and roots of plants to create cavities (holes) in the soil called Biopori. Cavities (Biopori) is a channel for water to seep into the soil. It is expected the public to implement this alternative to reduce the risk of flooding due to overflowing rain water.

          Pada musim hujan banyak daerah-daerah di Indonesia yg mengalami banjir. Hal tersebut dikarenakan kurangnya daerah resapan air hujan. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut maka saat ini dibuat metode alternatif untuk meningkatkan daya resap air hujan ke dalam tanah yg dikenal dgn istilah “lubang biopori”. Lubang resapan biopori adalah teknologi sederhana yang tepat guna dan ramah lingkungan. Lubang biopori ini mampu meningkatkan daya resap air hujan ke dalam tanah sehingga mampu mengurangi resiko banjir akibat meluapnya air hujan. Selain itu, teknologi ini juga mampu meningkatkan jumlah cadangan air bersih di dalam tanah dan mampu mengubah sampah organik menjadi kompos. Prinsip kerja lubang peresapan biopori sangat sederhana. Lubang yang kita buat, kemudian diberi sampah organik yang akan memicu biota tanah seperti cacing dan semut dan akar tanaman untuk membuat rongga-rongga (lubang) di dalam tanah yang disebut biopori. Rongga-rongga (biopori) ini menjadi saluran bagi air untuk meresap kedalam tanah. Untuk itu diharapkan masyarakat menerapkan alternatif ini untuk mengurangi resiko banjir akibat meluapnya air hujan.

Here is a way of making Holes Biopori:
  1. Create a cylindrical hole with a diameter of 10 cm and depth of about 100 cm or to exceed the ground water if the soil has made the surface of shallow water. The distance between holes between 50-100 cm.
  2. Mouth of the hole can be reinforced with cement 2-3 cm wide 2 cm thick.
  3. Fill the hole with organic waste from kitchen garbage, the remaining plants, or leaves.
  4. Organic garbage needs to be added if the contents of the hole has been reduced due to weathering processes.
  5. Compost is formed in the hole can be taken at each end of the dry season along with the maintenance hole.
Berikut merupakan cara untuk membuat Lubang Biopori:
  1. Buat lubang silindris dengan diameter 10 cm dan kedalamannya sekitar 100 cm atau sampai melampaui muka air tanah jika dibuat tanah yang mempunyai permukaan air dangkal. Jarak antar lobang antara 50-100 cm.
  2. Mulut lubang dapat diperkuat dengan semen selebar 2-3 cm setebal 2 cm.
  3. Isi lubang dengan sampah organik yang berasal dari sampah dapur, sisa tanaman, atau dedaunan.
  4. Sampah organik perlu ditambahkan jika isi lubang sudah berkurang akibat proses pelapukan.
  5. Kompos yang terbentuk dalam lubang dapat diambil pada setiap akhir musim kemarau bersamaan dengan pemeliharaan lubang.

What is Earthquake?

         Earthquake is a vibration that can be feel on the surface of the earth because movement, especially from within the layers of the earth. The earthquake was tectonic plate activity that often occurs. If all shocks ranging from weak to strong is calculated, the earthquake occurred about a million times each year. There are three main types of earthquake, namely tectonic earthquake, volcanic earthquake and debris earthquake.

Tectonic Earthquake

        Tectonic earthquake is an earthquake coused by seismic movement that occurs in the within skin of earth, such as fault or displacement. According to the theory of plate tectonics, the tectonic quake's epicenter located at subduction zones, namely a meeting between the continental plates and oceanic plates. Front edge of the plate into the bottom of the ocean continental plates.

Volcanic Earthquake

       Volcanic earthquake is an earthquake coused by eruption or crack which occur within the structure of volcanoes. Volcanic earthquake accur because magma upward through the earth’s crust. Volcanic earthquake are feel in the around of the volcano, but the effect is not feel at long distances.

Debris Earthquake

         Debris earthquake is an earthquake caused by the avalanches of rock mass, for example, from the slopes of the mountains or from the top side of the cave, and the presence of landslides. The intensity of the debris earthquake is very small so it does not seem at long distances. Debris earthquake is also called the Terban earthquake
        This is the basic grouping of types of earthquake based on the coused. However these three destructive earthquake if the intensity of earthquake large.